Articles > Online Dating Safety >

Picking A Safe Online Dating Site

Using online dating services and dating online can have its benefits as well as some dangers and drawbacks. There are things that a person can do to protect themselves, along with the rest of the online dating community. Read More...

Articles > Online Dating >

Why Singles Flock to Online Dating Sites

When singles are out to have a good time, there is something to be said for what they are actually doing. They are not just looking for a good time, but rather looking for someone to have a good time with. What better place to find someone who likes to do what you do than someone from an online dating site? Not only can the singles there have a good time online, but they can also find the love of their life while they are at it, killing two birds with one stone, so to speak. Read More...

Articles > Online Dating Safety >

3 Online dating Annoyances to Avoid

In every day life, we must all handle frustrations and annoyances, no matter what it is that we are doing, or where we are. The same applies to online dating sites. No matter which online dating site used, there will always be one person who annoys the Hell out of you. Whether or not you pay for membership, that annoyance is there. Before going any further, remember-if you feel your life is in danger, do not hesitate to call the police and fill out a report. That said; let’s learn about the different annoyances to watch for. Read More...

Articles > Online Dating Tips >

7 Questions to Ask When Looking for a Free Dating Site

Online dating sites are just like social networks. In fact, they are social networks, just of a special kind. a social network like Twitter or Facebook has very different people with very different goals and interests in mind, a free online dating site, however, consists of people looking for the same thing-a love interest or relationship. The beauty of a free online dating site is that it is an easy and convenient way to find love, and that’s all anyone is there to do. Where Facebookers might say they are looking for a relationship on their profile, it may not be true. Online dating has worked for millions of people. You just need to find the right free online dating site and make it work for you. Read More...

Articles > Online Dating Safety >

Stay Safe From Online Scams

Scam artists are commonplace on the Internet, and unfortunately, sometimes even more so on dating websites where people are more open and trusting; as would be expected from a network that promises to match people up with their one true love. There are so many cases of honest individuals getting cheated off their hard earned money from some scammer in Russia or Nigeria that we have been able to put together a telling list of things to look out for when trying to identify a potential scammer. Read More...

Articles > Online Dating >

Virtual Valentines

In my world, December till mid-February is a horrific time in between years. You start off having to do all the last minute Christmas shopping that you know you should have done months ago. You get a tree that is way too big for your apartment. Then you have to go and sit through a Christmas dinner with relatives whose names you can barely remember and listen to them ask why you're still single and "what happened to that lovely girl Samantha?" - yeah, that Samantha who broke your heart and ran away with all your furniture and the cat you've owned since you were fourteen. Read More...

Articles > About >

About SixSingles is a completely free dating site - hopefully you already knew that! For us being free a very important thing. In a time where everyone wants a dollar here and a dollar there we are trying to offer you something for free. You can put your credit card back in your wallet as it won’t be needed here. Read More...

Articles > Dating Tips >

How To Handle Saying The Wrong Thing On A Date

Bad dates sometimes can be unavoidable. No matter what you do, at least once in your life, you are bound to have a bad time on a date for one reason or another. You may run across people who say they have never had a bad one, but rest assured they are not exactly telling you the truth. It is not possible to have a perfect, 100% “good date” dating score. The most common way a date can go wrong is if one of you say the wrong thing to the other. This can ruin the perfect date even for Oprah. But there are ways to get around it. There are also things you can do to try to counteract the damage of what was said, or even get out of the bad date altogether if you need to. Read More...

Articles > Online Dating Tips >

Top Two Tips to Keep an Online Relationship Alive

When it comes to online dating, sometimes keeping the online relationship alive is the hardest thing to accomplish. What happens is, when you talk to the same person the same way over and over again, things can start to get boring. How do you combat this? How do you keep a relationship alive that seems to be based solely on typing to each other? There are a few ways to keep things alive, even if the only thing you do is talk… It’s the way you talk that is key. And here are a couple of ways to keep things lively, no matter how long the relationship has been going on. Read More...

Articles > Online Dating >

Workplace Romance or Online Dating?

Picture this… You are at your job and you meet a fantastic person who you later start dating. Then a week later, you come to find out this person is actually someone from another department in your building and is getting a promotion. This person is now your new supervisor. Read More...

Articles > Dating Tips >

Online Dating vs Finding Singles In Clubs And Bars

When you are looking for love, the usual spots are sometimes all a person has to help them. However, the usual clubs and bars are not always what you would expect. While many of these establishments have a host of men and women just itching to find someone, you do not know their intentions. Let’s look at the pros and cons of finding love in some of these familiar places. Read More...

Articles > Dating Tips >

8 of the Worst First Date Mistakes

After much hard work and worry, you have your first date with your newest find. The next step is to set your mind right and avoid the biggest mistake you could make, messing up on your first date. All the hope, money spent, preparations could end up just frustration and a bruised ego. Let’s take a look and explore some of the biggest mistakes ever made. Read More...

Articles > Online Dating Tips >

2 Things to Keep Conversation Flowing On Your First Date

Well, you did it. You took the advice you were given about online dating and you finally got to the point where you are about to meet he possible love of your life-for the very first time in person. I bet you are nervous, aren’t you? Of course you are! It’s the first real date, right? I can’t think of anyone who wouldn’t be nervous on their first date. There are so many different things to think about. Where are you going to go, what will you wear and so on. But the first thing usually on everyone’s mind when it comes to the very first face to face date is-Yup, you guessed it! What on Earth are you going to talk about? And not only that, what if you run out of things to talk about? What if you clam up and just go blank? Well, hopefully, considering you have gotten this far on advice, you will take my advice too. Here are a couple of sure fire ways to keep talking while on the first date. Heed this advice, and you will keep taking and I promise it won’t be awkward for you-or your date- at all. Read More...

Articles > Online Dating Tips >

5 Tips to Meet Eligible Singles Online

Some of the reasons why people turn to online dating sites is because they are looking for love. However, there is another class of people on these sites that are there and their reasons for being there are very different. These might include boredom or looking for a fling when the person they have at home is not living up to their expectations. In these cases, it is important to remember what you want so you don't get mixed up into their games. Either way, people are on the online dating sites to look for someone. Whether it be for companionship or someone to talk to, or they want a serious relationship, people are looking for the same thing: Eligible singles. Read More...

Articles > Online Dating Safety >

Online Dating Safety Basics for Men

When you are dating online, or looking for companionship anywhere these days, the first priority should always be safety-of you and the people you interact with. This is why learning the basics of online dating safety is the most important you can do before attempting to find love online. Usually, an article such as this would be directed at women. However, in this case, the opposite is true. Read More...

Articles > Online Dating >

Online Passion and Happiness

There are plenty of reasons to consider online dating. One reason is because it feels nice to be a part of a community with one goal in common: To find happiness and love. What makes online dating so special? The answer, while simple, may shock you. Read More...

Articles > Online Dating Tips >

3 Steps to True Love Online

Online Dating is THE most popular way to met singles these days. With the ease of using the sites and the amount of singles it is possible to meet, you are sure to find someone somewhere to fit your idea of a perfect mate. However, finding and making use of the perfect dating site for you is the key to a perfect online love match. While doing this can take time, it will be well worth it in the end because you will most likely find the one you have been waiting for all your life. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get to work in helping you find the perfect site-and work it to your advantage. Read More...

Articles > Online Dating Safety >

Tips For Staying Safe While Dating Online

So, you went over your reviews, and have finally picked a site you want to sign up with. Hooray, good for you! Keep in mind, though, there are things you still must do to stay safe during the dating process itself. Read More...

Articles > Dating Tips >

Loving Long Distance Relationships

When two people love each other, it is easy to understand the dynamics of a long distance relationship. However, when these two people are dating online, the dynamics can be very different, especially if they want to meet face-to-face one day. Many things will need to change for both parties involved and concessions must be made on both ends. This brings up the question, is it all worth it? Will the trouble of establishing a long distance relationship after an online relationship be worth it? There are some simple rules to help you through some of the toughest times that may be lying ahead of you and you must keep them in mind if you intend to make this person your soul mate. Read More...

Articles > Dating Tips >

5 Common Sense Dating Tips for Single Men

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of tips that have been proposed to the singles community over the last few hundred years or so. The problem with these tips is they are just the same things dressed up as something new. However, the following tips, give you a bit of common sense. This is handy because common sense is one of the first things that fly out the window when a man starts dating, especially if he is pursuing someone he genuinely likes. Read More...

Articles > Online Dating Tips >

4 Online Seduction Techniques for Singles

When you are single, the seduction rules are a bit different then if you are in a relationship. When you already have a relationship, you don’t have to try so hard because you already know you have the person you want to be with. Singles, on the other hand, have no idea if they will be appealing to the person they want to date. What are the best online seduction strategies for singles? Here are a few to keep in mind Read More...

Articles > Online Dating Tips >

Top 5 Signs He Is Cheating Online

Online dating sites are becoming more popular as each day goes by. Unfortunately, more men-and women- are dating online because they want an easy way to find some variety in their lives-their married lives, to be exact. That said, there are ways to tell if he is cheating on you, and doing it online. Cheating online is a little different from cheating in” real life,” though, and online cheating exhibits very different symptoms, so here are the top five to watch out for… Read More...

Articles > Online Dating Tips >

First Steps to Dating Online

Online dating - It can be a mystifying experience if you are not sure how the process works or where to start with it. Read More...

Articles > Online Dating >

The Lure of Online Dating

If you feel that you are never going to find the time or the motivation to get out and find love, an online dating site may be perfect for you. It is an easy way to meet singles from the comfort of your own home. Although it isn’t new, people are just starting to get around to trying them and they are the newest form of contemporary dating that you simply must try. Read More...

Articles > Dating Tips >

First Impressions Count. Make Sure You Get Them Right

When its all on the line and you really want him or her to love you. Assuming you’re not a stalker or psychotic, you’re looking to make the best first impression you can. A better one than any you have ever made before. There are some things to keep in mind so you do not blow the Golden Moment. When you are finally in the spotlight, keep remember these things and you are sure to make the best impression you can. Read More...

Articles > Online Dating >

Why Online Dating is Better than Being a Couch Potato

Most people tend to forget just how convenient online dating can be. Here are a few reasons why you might want to put the TV remote down, get off your couch potato rump and get to an online dating site, as there are thousands of singles just waiting for you to pick them to talk to. Read More...

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Articles > Online Dating Safety >

Avoiding and Stopping Online Dating Annoyances

Now you know about the varying degrees of online dating site annoyances, mild, moderate, major, and dangerous, it is time to learn what you can do to avoid these types of people as well as what you can do to stop the annoyances once they start. What are you supposed to do about it? Well, that all depends on how they annoy you, and what the severity of annoyance they create is. The different degrees of annoyancedetermine the outcome of what you can do about it. Read More...

Articles > Online Dating Safety >

Dating Abroad Are They For Real?

So, when you finally do meet someone who fits the bill of the type you are looking to meet, before you actually jump on the first plane to Brazil, make sure they really are who they say they are, or you could find yourself in hot water and alone. Here are some tips to make sure the person you are dating is who they say they are. Read More...

Articles > Online Dating Tips for Women >

Profile Tips for Women

When a woman signs up for a dating site, there are many things she needs to do. But the first and foremost thing is filling out the online profile. There is one important think to remember - There IS a secret to filling out a great profile. Read More...

Articles > Online Dating Tips >

How to go from Online Dating to the First Date

Face to face, meetings can be especially nerve wracking. Even though you two have been talking for a while online, it still does not mean that you know everything about the other person in question. Here are a few tips on how to go about hitting it off in real life after meeting online. Read More...

Articles > Online Dating Tips >

What If Your Profile Is A Dud

Maybe you expecting not do so well, because this is your first time that dating online. But what happened was a bit of a surprise – you got nothing to show for all the hard work you put into the process. So what is the problem? Why is it that even though you followed all the advice, you flop? Here are some tips to take what can be a disappointing experience and turn it into something great. Read More...

Articles > Online Dating Tips for Men >

Filling out Your Profile the Right Way

When you fill out your profile and account details and then add a photo, you save it to your profile and that is when the fun begins. If you want women to notice you, you have to construct a profile worthy enough for someone to want to look at it. Ask yourself this… Is your online dating profile worthy of a special woman looking at it? When you have your answer, you may then proceed to heed the following advice. Read More...

Articles > Online Dating Tips >

What to talk about on the First Real Date

Now that you are officially transitioning from online dating into face to face dating, there are things that you can do to make it more comfortable and hit it off with your date. There are also things that you or your date can do that could put the brakes on the whole relationship right form the start. Following is some advice of some dos and don’ts, as well as a few warning signs to watch out for. Read More...
