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Just looking for a guy who will kiss me randomly
The Basics
  Age: 33   Gender: Female   Race: Caucasian   Location: Texas United States
The Details
Body Type:
  A few extra pounds
  None but want some soon
Eye Colour:
Hair Length:
  Very Long
Sexual Orientation:
Hair Colour:
About Me

Hey Im Brittany, Im 19, and my b-day is June 20th. I am Bi-Sexual! I live in Corpus Christi, TX i have two sisters but there taken so Im the only one left. Im a simple girl really. Im into anime and manga but for those who dont know want that is its Japanese animation. Ive graduated high school and Im a college girl now. Im looking to get to know someone who can treat me like Im wanted... I love to read, any book works, I love vampire books Im not a twilight fan but i do like the books... when Im reading, I feel as if Im in the book like Im the main vampire or person in the book... my friends say that my mind is wild because of the things I have read... Im looking for a job which isnt going to well.... Oh yeah, I lost the game! Im going to a college in Kerrville or san Antonio and my major is computer science but Im not sure what else to do i love to work with computers but have you ever help put a tv show together? Like with the cameras, sound, microphone and all of the gadgets its so much fun! But in all words Im not doing so good i cant find a job in this bloody town! (GRR RWAR it means i love you in dinosaur)What am
But anyways Im good at working with computers and others, i can help most of my friends with their problems so if you need anyone to talk to i give great advice as people say
The first things people usually notice about me!
I would have to say my eyes (People say that they are so blue and deep with passion, but Im not sure what to think so you be my judge!), or smile (I have heard that my smile can warm hearts....¦ But who knows I could be a devil or something like that lol) or sometimes my hair too (SHINNY lol Im joking I dont know what to say lol)

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What I'm Looking For

I'm looking for a guy who is anything lol i would like a guy who is a cutie but his age has to be 30 or younger but if you are older message me and ill tell you what i think

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