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Looking for a geniune person.
The Basics
  Age: 34   Gender: Male   Race: Caucasian   Location: San Diego California United States
The Details
Body Type:
  Clean Cut
  None but want some soon
Eye Colour:
Hair Length:
Sexual Orientation:
Hair Colour:
About Me

Hello, if you would like to know my name feel free to simply ask. I will reply to all messages. I am trying the dating scene again because I now have time to devote to one person if I happen to find them. I am a very quiet person, who is also shy. Though besides that I am worth to get know. I am truely a nice guy that will never cheat or hurt you, and I am living comfortably for myself right now and am working on making it better to someday support a family. I am a more of a relax with friends and take life easy, but once in a while I like to go sky diving. I am also planing on learning how to surf and someday go out to the desert and just have some fun with a ATV. I think that is enough to interest you, if you would like to know more just message me and we can talk.
What I'm Looking For

I am looking for someone who is in good shape and likes to work out. I would love to find someone to go running with and afterwards cool off with a nice swim or something. I am also interested in finding someone who is done with the whole party stage, I am ready to calm down and start taking life seriously. Someone who is outgoing would be amazing, I want to go out and do more adventurous stuff like hiking and the sort, but I do not have anyone to go with. All and all that should be enough, I know I am asking for a lot but I will defferently make it worth it to you.

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