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Are the nice guys all taken?
The Basics
  Age: 57   Gender: Female   Race: Other   Location: Speedway Indiana United States
The Details
Body Type:
  A few extra pounds
Eye Colour:
Hair Length:
  Shoulder Length
Sexual Orientation:
Hair Colour:
About Me

What can I say? I'm a divorced woman, no kids, got a few more pounds on me than I like, who is looking for someone with whom I can share time with, whose kids are grown, who isn't hung up on dating a Barbie Doll. I'm independent but still vulnerable. I'm wanting someone who appreciates the fact that I want to be with them and I want them to want to be with me. I'm a woman who can be fiercely loyal, endearingly affectionate, and flirty. I don't mind getting dirty to have fun and I can bait my own fishing hook. I enjoy watching most sports, rabid Colts fan, into Indians baseball, Indiana Ice hockey and March Madness basketball... I can throw darts, play pool (I own my own pool cue but need practice) and back a trailer down a launch ramp! (always a good skill to have - you just never know!)
Update - - - - Doesn't it seem strange that these initial conversations / meetings you strike up with someone who has attracted your attention seem more like an interview for a future mate? There is so much pressure put on the initial contact with someone new that it can be very off-putting. Generally speaking, it can be stressful, since both parties are waiting for a spark to occur and then are disappointed if it doesn't. No one wants to feel like they've wasted their time. There must be a less stressful way to meet someone, spend time getting to know them, enjoy their company, part ways and evaluate if you would like to see them again without all the anxiety that comes with this. My idea is the first meeting should occur fairly quickly in the process. No sense investing more time in something that may not amount to much. Secondly, make the meeting very short. 15 - 20 minutes tops. If there is a spark, you'll know in that amount of time. That way you can decide if this person is attractive enough, intelligent enough, conversant enough for you to put together another longer meeting. That's my thinking, anyway.

What I'm Looking For

I am looking for someone who wants to spend time with me, getting to know me, hanging out....and vice versa. I am not looking for a Rockefeller. I make a good living and pay my own bills. I definitely do not need rescued....lol. But, alas, time seems to be more precious than money.

There is nothing I wouldn't do for a friend. I am looking for someone who lives in the Indianapolis and surrounding area.

I don't believe a successful couple has to be joined at the hip. There should always be time to spend with your buddies, working on projects, and just being silly. I enjoy my owne company, but....my goal is to find someone I would rather spend time with than spending my time alone.

I like having doors held open, chairs pulled out, standing when a lady approaches the table, etc.. I would like someone who can kill the spiders that scare me and not give me a hard time about it! lol I want someone in my life that I can be proud of, treat with respect, brag about and show every day how wonderful it is to have him in my life.


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