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Educated gentleman interested in same type of lady
The Basics
  Age: 53   Gender: Male   Race: Other   Location: Denver Colorado United States
The Details
Body Type:
  Casual, Clean Cut
  Yes - not living with me
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Sexual Orientation:
About Me

I am simply writing this off the top of my head

I say that traveling is the best university there is. The things one can learn are incredibly amazing and I know that these things one learns on the road are never taught in a classroom.

I am looking for something for real but to find it one must be not looking for it so I have learned. I look for a friend and then seeing what happens. Worse case scenario... we find a good friend.

I have an open mind and I am social and a good talker as well as a good listener.
About who I am and what I am about...
I like cooking but I only started and liking it 2 years ago summer of 2009. I cook for myself mostly because I need to eat well because junk from the street does not make me feel good. I just have to be careful and I am not difficult to please... promise. I made up my own diet and lost 35 lbs and weigh in @ 155. I am in great shape and I am high school skinny and with tons of energy because that has somewhat come back as well.

I am fine being alone and dont have to be with someone to be happy but I do have my eyes open in case someone interesting comes along that would make my life more interesting with great company and some one to share it with. I am already happy, just looking for someone to share stuff with. I am also a good listener...

I am interested in you and would very much like to know more about you. I liked your profile very much and I am writing this personally for you and no cut and paste. I liked very much the pic you have on your profile. I am an imaginative man and like to surprise the lady I am with. I have always had success surprising in a good way whomever I was with and they liked it very much. I am sure you are very capable of laughing at yourself it seems to me and I consider I am as well. That is a trait I hold very high in my book of interesting traits. So do let me know and I am sure you are getting many emails and it is difficult to email the ones you wont be interested in but I hope to hear from you some time either way though. I am sure I could show you a great time. You wont regret seeing me and I will make sure I make it worth your while. At least I am sure you will get a
great laugh about it.

I have been playing soccer since I can remember and cant do without the sport. I play competitive soccer at an over 30 league at D i c k s sportinggoodspark stadium where the Rapids play and I can never get enough games in one year. Only 16 out door games. I think we do have a few things in common and should maybe chat as I would like that very much. Looking forward to chatting with you as it seems to me you are a person full of life and that is definitely of my interest. I am a life time learner of stuff always in to learn something new. It is a kind of drug for me. It is really great to sit and listen to someone tell you and teach you something that they know well and are good at. I love learning new stuff about anything. You never know what you might need that is sitting in the hard drive of the brain sooner or later that will get you out of a bind or prove to be productive at any given moment. Anyway I wont write anymore because I may simply be writing to a server cuz you never see it or read it or maybe I never hear back from you anyway.
No really... I am a good listener. ;-)
Hope to hear from you some time soon.

What I'm Looking For

I ma looking for a lady that is easy going and who is happy with who she is already and can laugh at herself. You must be able to maintain a conversation and be able to learn stuff as well as want to learn it.

You know all those things many ladies complain about the guys, like drinking, no commitment, we dont pay attention/remember stuff and etc. Well you wont have to worry about a lot of those with me. I dont drink, dont smoke, I am healthy and like to learn stuff about anything on a constant basis. I am a life long learner. I am a good listener and try to remember what you say. The simple moments in life are the ones that truly have the gifts that many do not see because they are always on the go and in a hurry to do other things.


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