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Let's see how this goes
The Basics
  Age: 41   Gender: Female   Race: African   Location: Florida United States
The Details
Body Type:
  Thin, Slim
  Stylish, Casual
Eye Colour:
Hair Length:
  Shoulder Length, Long
Sexual Orientation:
Hair Colour:
  Red, Brown
About Me

I am very busy these days. If I do not get back to you soon, try not to take it too personally. It is most likely because I have not been here in days/weeks or months, due to business from New York or LA. I'm usually in Florida. Remember, you can always check your mail sent box to see if I have read your message or not.

Me in particular: I just turned 28 in October, and it is very weird for me (especially since I still get mistaken for a late teenager at times). I mean, where did the time go?

I am somewhat broody, sarcastic at times, and a little dominant, but I can have fun. Do not be fooled into thinking that I am "difficult." I am complex, which is something I am quite aware of, but not any more "difficult" than the typical sane person. On the subject of sanity, though, I recently began getting my life together (back in 2009/2010) after a tough time from age 16 to now.

Interaction-wise, I am often complimented on being "good-looking," but those comments never truly make me feel great or happy. What does then? Well, I am never overly cheery, but I enjoy being alone to clear my head, writing, reading, watching sports such as basketball (used to play in high school), exercising, and other hobbies. Sometimes, even thinking about shaving my head gives me calm (something freeing about it). I suppose knowing my immediate family is doing fine makes me happy. My clothing style consists of tank tops and jeans, T-shirts and baggy pants while at home, pants suits and other professional or dressed up-looking styles when going somewhere "important." I am also a vegetarian, but I do not expect the people in my life to be.

Ask me if you want to know more, of course. And here's the answers to a few random questions I usually get: Yes, my hair is naturally long, though I have been known to wear extensions (mainly in high school). No, I am not mixed with African American and Caucasian... Well, maybe I am, we are all mixed with something, but I'm not 50/50. I have Native American blood, however (through my great grandmother, on my mother's side). Are my eyes hazel? You figure it out (that question due to other pics), LOL.

What I'm Looking For

I am looking for someone that's intriguing, good-looking, and easy to relate to. Whatever happened to stimulating conversation, you guys? That must still be an important element when seeking romantic relationships, in most cases, right? I must admit that I particularly like little pretty women who challenge me, though, or make me laugh effortlessly. Taller women are okay, and I prefer femmes.

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Birth Date
