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hello , i am looking for a sexy girl
The Basics
  Age: 31   Gender: Male   Race: Other   Location: san francisco American Samoa
The Details
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About Me

An Athletes Secret of Success Vince Lombardi says, “The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” A dedicated athlete puts forth their all by fully devoting themselves to their sport. They always try to give one hundred and ten percent before, during, and after practice. Athletes achieve their success knowing they worked hard to attain it and can truly say they accomplished something that makes them a better person....
What I'm Looking For

Hey sexy I see you standing there all alone/
Whats ya name girl and can I call you on the phone/
Whatcha doing 2nite lets go out for a bite/
what kind of men do you like and whats your type/
She giggled a liitle and said "boy you ask too many questions"
I told her I liked her she's my new obsession/
She said lets go and grab a bite to eat/
We went across the street and I bought her a treat/
Of an ice cream cone I liked the way this girl looked/
her body was banging and she had me hooked/
she said i gotta go can I call you some time/
then the very next week this girl was mine/


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