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The Basics
  Age: 40   Gender: Female   Race: Caucasian   Location: Tacoma Washington United States
The Details
Body Type:
Eye Colour:
  Blue, Green
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About Me

I am the biggest sweetheart, I care a lot about the people in my life. I would do anything for my friends and family, no matter what. Because in the end, all you have are those close to you.

Independent, honest, easy going, caring, laid back, assertive, persistant, know what I want in life and am not afraid to go after it, open minded, fun, easy to talk to, common sense, sarcastic and I can be a smartass. I do not judge books by their cover, as everyone is unique in their own way. That's me in a nutshell, 100%. --You're probably thinking, "Yeah, right", but I will tell you it's true. There's no reason to lie, the REAL you always comes out in the end and I present myself as the real me each and every time.

I believe that everything in life happens for a reason and you should live without what if's and regrets. I am looking for someone of the same mindset. I do not put up with people that say one thing and do another or talk alot of BS to try and get ahead. I want someone that is just as honest about things as I am - and believe me, that is hard to find!

I am looking for someone to spend time with and if we click see where it goes. If you want to get to know me (because if you do, I promise it will be worth it), send me an email. If you're lucky, I might respond. :)

What I'm Looking For

I am looking for someone to have fun with, get to know and see where it goes. I am not opposed to a long term relationship and being serious, but it is going to take that guy to sweep me off my feet. A girl can only dream and hope she finds it!

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