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Looking For You!!! :-)
The Basics
  Age: 44   Gender: Male   Race: Other   Location: Illinois United States
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About Me

I am a whole hearted person, dedicated to everything I put effort in and have faith in the Lord. Having these characteristics in my favor I'm a strong willed person who has had his heart, spirit (at times),and will (at times) broken, but I have a lot going for myself and I refuse to give up until I meet my soul mate, the one that I am suppose to be with for the rest of my life. My goal as I see it begins with a great woman and a fun/adventurous life, continuing with a family (rather it's already been started for me or us starting one). Where the journey goes from there only God knows. However, what I do know is that things will turn around, starting with you
What I'm Looking For

I am a person that believes you can't judge a book by it's cover I am willing to give anyone a chance so you don't have anything to lose, message me. :-)

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