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The Basics
  Age: 32   Gender: Female   Race: Caucasian   Location: rio New Mexico United States
The Details
Body Type:
  A few extra pounds
  None but want some soon
  Occaisional smoker
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About Me

Okay, so let's get personal. My full name is Jennifer Leigh Lindsey, but Jennie is what I go by. I'm eighteen, but I feel like I am 30 years old. I'm a full time student at CNM and I work Friday-Sunday so I'm drained half the time. I adore Oct-..hey're my favorite months... I love the wheather, the holidays in it, the scenary, just everything about it. This is when youll find me and my most happist. I'm very blessed with the life I have an the people involved in it. I have friends I love and people I care for. My personality is pretty outgoing and i'm not too shy. I don't have much luck on the dating scene, it's not that I can't get someone but more I don't want anyone. Committment scares me, so until that perfect someone comes along I'm remaining single. I enjoy every kind of music from Country, and alt' rock to screamo and R'n'B, just depends upon my mood and tolerence level. I'm very mature when I need to be, I know when to have fun. No, I don't describe fun as these sterio-typical "ravin'" girls New Mexico has to offer us, but real fun that doesnt consist of making a fool of yourself. I've realized the older you get, the closer you and you're family become an that reality is coming into exsistance for me, i love it. Me and my older sister are very close, she's a UNM'er and i'm a CNM'er to completely different things, yet very similar.. contradicting? Read it again. I have been told I am a very nice person, and I know I am. I have a short temper though that happens when I bottle my emotions in, when it happens it happens and it memoriable. I have enemies I guess, and I have friends, with every negative has a positive, my life just so happens to be filled with more positives because that's what I choose to see. No matter what, you can always eliminate subtraction with addition, if others could learn this than maybe there'd be less pethic self pity in the world. I don't like disrespectful, rude, crude, hurtful, slutty, iniciative, downfall, self-centered, dramamatic, two-faced people, they irrtiate and bug the life oughta me. Feel free to hit that handy "delete" key if you're categorized. I don't deal with internet things, if your going to yell at me with your keyboard, don't expect a responce. i'm not going to get mad over some over-obsessed key-board fanatic. Kay. I've had my fair share of life, and have learned a lot in the time i've had. I am religious an beleive in God and Jesus, now to categorize myself within a religion would be tough because I'm not sure what to say anymore. All I know is i try to live the most descent life I can with morals involved. I don't brag to people and judge them trying to convert, and I would like the same respect because I'm not into people prasing they dont beleive in God and show some enthusiasm with downing religion in general. I have my beleifs you have your's so just respect that like I do. There isn't too much more I can say about myself, If there is anything else i'm leaving out feel free to ask..

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What I'm Looking For

I just want to see what's out there. Maybe meet some new people.
it wants me to have over 160 so im just filling this out. lalala, ugh... i dont know what else to type so hopefully this is enough!


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