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The NiGht IS yoUng so Bring YouR Guitar oUt
The Basics
  Age: 33   Gender: Female   Race: Mixed   Location: Texas United States
The Details
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  Smokes only when drinking
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About Me

y HEy! MY name is Bree Lopez and im a sweet hilarious girl!I love to go out at night and be adventurous.im that type of girl that u probaly never meet.right now my goals consist of finishing school at Angelo State and get my Bachelors in Music either performance or teaching i havent decided yet,then to recieve a job that i look forward to everyday,to have a family, and support my family.hmmm music i love everything i like country and pop. something to know about me is that i am musically inclined i play 6 instruments: bass, cello, viola, violin, acoustic guitar, and electric bass. i can read and play a little piano as well.hmmm what else oh im real easy to talk to and if u wanna invite me to hang out with your friends i promise i wont have a problem ill fit right in i always do!:) So dont hesitate to message me if u think im shallow bc im not everyone has flaws and who am i to judge?
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What I'm Looking For

HUMOR!!!! and love lol i get tired of everyone having a pencil stuck up there ass..its ok to let go sometimes and have a good time, right? well i hope you think so :) along with that i also want someone who loves to camp or go traveling or go to rodeos because i love those three things if your high maintenance don't message me because you are probably not straight if your a guy with high maintenance lol its the girsljob to take forever to get ready and even at that not more than an hr and a half...i also want trust and affection :D who doesnt want that and last but not least HYGIENE ugh i hate to have to tell a guy how to smell yea i understand if you just got done hanging with guys at football or if ur deodorant didnt last all day after a long day of work but u better not wreak of ass lol im not shallow just blunt !

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