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I am looking for man who can take of me and love
The Basics
  Age: 34   Gender: Male   Race: Prefer Not To Say   Location: accra Ghana
The Details
Body Type:
  Stocky, Large
Hair Length:
Sexual Orientation:
About Me

I am looking for man who can take of me and love I am looking for man who can take of me and love I am looking for man who can take of me and love I am looking for man who can take of me and love
What I'm Looking For

I am looking for man who can take of me and love I am looking for man who can take of me and love I am looking for man who can take of me and love I am looking for man who can take of me and love I am looking for man who can take of me and love I am looking for man who can take of me and love I am looking for man who can take of me and love I am looking for man who can take of me and love I am looking for man who can take of me and love

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