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My names Vanessa, I'm 22 and looking to find a man
The Basics
  Age: 35   Gender: Female   Race: Caucasian   Location: Salinas California United States
The Details
Body Type:
  Casual, Stylish, Clean Cut   Trendy
  None but want some soon
Hair Colour:
Hair Length:
Sexual Orientation:
  Bi-Curious, Straight
About Me

Hi! My names Vanessa, I'm an actress, singer, and a dancer, so I'm often quite busy. I'm looking for a man who can understand my work schedule, who's funny, outgoing, who's not afraid to be a little kid, preferably one who has a good level of education, one that doesn't smoke, a loyal and all around great guy! :)
When I have time off, I'm usually just going to the beach, hanging out with my family, traveling with friends, and once in a while, clubbing. I'm a drinker, but not an addict. But, like every woman, I love my wine :) I want a man who's a hard worker, not a sit-at-home beer guy.
Where do I prefer to go on dates? Anywhere actually. I love to cuddle, so a nice home-made dinner, some candles, and cuddling would be my perfect date. I enjoy walking on the beach together, traveling together, going to nice dinner restaurants, etc. I'm pretty simple. :)

What I'm Looking For

I'm looking for a man that can cooperate with my work schedule. I'm looking for a man that's a hard worker, that's honest, and loyal. I'm looking for a man who loves/likes me for me, not for my money or sexual things. I want someone who'll make me laugh, who can act like a kid and just be my best friend. :)

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Birth Date
