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The Basics
  Age: 36   Gender: Male   Race: Other   Location: Florida United States
The Details
Body Type:
  Occaisional smoker
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About Me

Hello, my name is Victor. I was in the military and I'm currently transitioning back into civilian life. I experience "gifted isolation". While I have spent the majority of my life refining the skill of concision, it is just not possible to explain/express myself fully in a brief manner. I'm very complex, detail-oriented and I see things from many different angles. I often find that it's easy to be misunderstood by others. In part because it takes more time to fully express any given idea in a "concrete" (as free from misinterpretation as possible) manner and because I'm still very much human - I just don't always have the "perfect" wording available off the top of my head to express myself.

In my opinion, a big obstacle to human interaction is the flawed symbolic nature of communication. The attempt to express the raw experience through what is fundamentally sounds with meaning attached to them. The meaning is ultimately intrinsic. In language there are stigmas attached to words, negative/positive connotations, and everybody personalizes certain words through their experiences to different degrees. This can be seen most readily in matters of faith. Example: to call oneself Christian should/does not hold much weight because by itself it is just a word. What does it personally mean to this specific person to be Christian? How does their faith manifest in their life?

My faith and personal growth is what is most important to me. I do not want children because I don't want the investment of time or resources. I want to live my own life in pursuit of my own ambitions. I'm a minimalist and do not desire much physically - money, clothing, etc etc.

PS - Sorry for the low quality picture, but I had to use my low-quality integrated web-cam to take it. I'm not one to take pictures, so I didn't have anything better already at my disposal.

What I'm Looking For

What I'm looking for is a partner to share my life with and to share in theirs - "For the two shall become one flesh...". To strengthen each other and to grow together - "Two are better than one...If either of them falls down, one can help the other up".

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