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The Basics
  Age: 57   Gender: Male   Race: Caucasian   Location: Tom River United States
The Details
Body Type:
  Clean Cut
  Yes - not living with me
Eye Colour:
Hair Length:
Sexual Orientation:
Hair Colour:
About Me

am secure and happy with myself, but I really feel life is meant to be shared with a special lady. As for me: I enjoy spending time outdoors. Be it on the beach or on a camping trail, I feel at home. I enjoy the comforts of my own home and I am always trying to improve the décor by shopping for special pieces that make my house even more of a home. Cooking is a passion, but it is also something that I would love to share with that special lady. I really enjoy comedy clubs and seeing shows in the cities, be it Atlantic City, Philadelphia, or New York. I love all music, but I do favor less popular brands of music such as Indie and acoustic. I am self-sufficient, independent, and honest, I have a great sense of humor, and like to make other laugh. My 11 year old daughter, and friends are very important to me. I'm considered a very generous person in all aspects of my life especially in friendship, family, and love. I've been told that I'm smart, and that I am much better looking in person than image that my profile pictures provide.

What I'm Looking For

As for what I am looking for, she is between 35 and 50 years old. Height is not important, but I would prefer a woman shorter than me, which is 5-10. She not a bbw, but doesn't have to live at the gym either. She has high values and a great personality. She must share my views on love, family, and friends. She is ready for all of my passion for life and to begin an new adventure with me. She's intelligent, stable with her own career, and not dependent on someone to support her.

No Pressure! Let's just relax...become friends and get to know each other. Let’s see what happens.


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Birth Date
